Thursday, July 5, 2012

Best feelings

Facebook used to be filled with status updates, almost too many updates. Now Facebook is filled with pictures, lots and lots of them. You know the ones that talk about relationships, politics, remixes on songs & also the best feelings. Well I have been thinking recently about the best feelings in the world. There are many of them, but let us just reflect on a few of them for a moment.

#1-Freshly shaved legs. Only girls understand this one, unless you are one of those guys that shave your body and spend way too much time taking care of yourself. Can anyone say Ryan from the Bachelorette?

#2-Putting your hair in a bun, whether it be from a little bun to a sock bun. A perfectly styled bun can make your world go round.

#3-Finishing a whole stick of chap stick. I am one of those people that buys a new stick just because I can, then end up with more than seems neccesary.

#4-A new coat of fingernail polish. When I am feeling down or not colorful enough all I need to do is paint my nails. I would recommend trying Essie. 

#5-The smell of rain. How is that I felling? I do not know.

#6-Making a baby laugh. Everyone knows that I sure do love a good snuggle with a baby, but I also love making a baby laugh. One little laugh from a baby & I am in a good mood. Their laughter is contagious

#7-Realizing your blessings. Start counting them.

#8-Finding a good deal. I am a bargain shopper. I think it's a good habit to have.

#9-Listening to a song that brings back good memories. I have lots of these. If you ever see me smiling when I hear a song it's probably because I am having a flashback; Do not intrude.

#10-Playing with your best friend. Whether it be a boy or girl, you know what I'm talking about.

#11-Having someone tell you you smell good. I always strive for this, so should you.

#12-Knowing you don't have to wear makeup to feel pretty.

#13-Listening to your favorite artist, or even a good song.

#14-Knowing you can repent of your sings through the atonement. Don't take this for granted.

#15-Knowing it's summer.

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