Saturday, May 5, 2012

It seems as if my life is not so exciting at this moment in time, yet I am having oh so much fun.
It's the little things that keep me going.
  • Like yesterday I went indoor surfing. I finally stood up and did it by myself the very last time. Can you say happy? I will definitely be going again. Anyone want to join?
  • Also yesterday we had a senior sleepover. I didn't sleepover, but I stayed until 2. We had fun running around the halls playing hide and seek, playing the wii and dancing, and just acting like girls.
  •  I also have my job now, so that keeps me entertained a few days of the week. I love the people I work with. They stay sane even though I'm still learning, and probably drive them crazy.
  • I can't wait for summer! Many of my friends, and I have the pass of all passes, and are going to hang all the time. 
  • Chelsi is moving to Highland! That's a whole lot closer than Sandy. Hurray for her hot tub at her new house.
  • How I love my young women leaders. Amanda is moving away. I am going to miss her and her adorable family, but no worries because I will be sleeping over at her new house once she is moved in. Right Amanda? 
  • My other young womens leader Cheri is the best. She brings soda to YW's and lets me drink it. She is also getting some kids, and I could not be more excited for her. I just pray everything goes well for them.
  • As soon as you are done reading this post I want you to go put on some shoes and grab your car keys. Now get in your car and drive to Maceys. Once there go to the isle with mexican food. Find the coconut water drink and purchase yourself one. You will become addicted as I have.
  • I miss him, but I know i'll survive. When I go cruising either by myself or with Brittani, memories flood my subconsciousness, and make me remember what was so great between us. I also have Brittani to remind me of things we did. "You know what's cute? Us."

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Listen you, you better come visit me,.. As I shall visit you. Love you!